2 definitions by Leprechaun Circle Jerkle

One who can communicate with testicles. Also know as a ball whisperer.
Guy1: Yesterday, my balls were sweaty so I went to a Testicular Psychiatrist. He calmed them down and now they’re not sweaty anymore.

Guy2: I sure as hell need to see a ball whisperer my balls have been giving me trouble for months.
by Leprechaun Circle Jerkle October 7, 2021
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A variation of the Mexican lawnmower where the man eats hearty diet of prunes and bean burritos all while wearing an ass plug for about 3 days. During sex, the woman ties a rope around the ass plug and similarly to the Mexican lawnmower, the ass plug is ripped straight from his ass and a shotgun blast of shit and flatulatory matter is launched as far as 7 feet. It can be enhanced by adding 100 proof vodka to the concoction of liquid fecal matter shortly before pulling the rope, creating a fiery molten volcanic eruption of shit just like a real volcano in Hawaii.
Guy 1: I did the Hawaiian Hot Pocket with my bae last night.

Guy 2: That’s fucking rad dude, how’d it go?

Guy 1: It went pretty well until we caught the neighbors tree on fire. They thought it was a real volcano and we had to evacuate the city.
by Leprechaun Circle Jerkle October 7, 2021
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