3 definitions by Leona Lindemann

Slang name for tasers in Mexico. The name comes from the similarity of noise from an animal called chicharra (cicada)
Guy A: what is the device used by the police to shock people?
Guy B: It's a chicharra!
by Leona Lindemann March 1, 2023
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Other name for Tasers in Mexico. The name comes from the similarity of noise coming from an animal called Chicharra (a species of cicada)
Guy A: what is that device used by the police to shock people?
Guy B: It's a chicharra!
by Leona Lindemann March 1, 2023
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Throw (something) away. Used in Mexico.
A: Hey dude, what are you doing with the trash?
R: I'm going to jondear in the trashcan.
by Leona Lindemann March 1, 2023
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