1 definition by Leafeon470

A wannabe JavaScript that is made by MIT and has 99% of people in a "war" about spam which is actually like this:

1: This studio is spam
2: ZOMG UR BULLYING ME!!!!!!! THESE AES (spam studios) HELP PEOPLE!!!!!!!
1: No, you are being dumb
Scratch team: *bans #1 because they are right*
Seriously. It is stupid. plus, there are also the wannabe spammers and trolls who always say "this sux look at my project which is better." even though you actually made a good project and theirs is **** but you will be banned for having someone do this. I **** you not, this happens for NO reason. I swear if you go on there without punching your computer or being banned, I tip my hat to you.
bad annoying Scratch.mit.edu this is a bad website
by Leafeon470 March 15, 2014
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