3 definitions by Langåsdammen eSports

A man persuing a yasuo career but fails miserably and ends up a «godlike viktor».
Jokes aside though, the man is the best climber of the Veteran Langåsdammen Esports team.

D3 baby
by Langåsdammen eSports October 15, 2021
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Ollihusa is that kind of person who always wants to know how you’re feeling. Not in the good way though, trust me. It doesn’t matter if you’re having a bad time and obviously not wanting to express your feelings. Whenever he gets the opertunity you’ll always hear it in the distance «Goes it good»?
Person 1: Even though its obvious that you’re suffering, goes it good?
Person 2: FFS man, is it a Ollihusa im hearing?
by Langåsdammen eSports July 3, 2018
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Ollihusa, also nown as The Timekeeper, is a professional league of legends player from Norway.

Husa is a very competitive player who has climbed high on the ranking board alongside players such as Nicktron and Chrisfisk.

Husa's current ranking today is around the bronze mark, however he claims to deserve better.

Infact its only his teams that stop him from reaching the top. Husa's got the mechanics of an LCS player, but the matchmaking never goes in his favour.

Husa can be reffered to as a very "tilty" opponent. Its from here he has gotten the legendary nickname "the tiltkeeper"," timetilter" etc.

If you ever play against him, be prepared for some insane insults, and rage bacause of how bad his team is.

Remember, this is the only thing that can possibly stop husa from winning.
IMPORTANT: With husa, you're not only getting an insane mechanically player, but also one with the unique ability to constantly give away "First blood" under the 2 minute mark.
This is of course one of husa's own tricks for him to get some harder opposition.

If this wouldn't have been the case the lane would have been too easy for husa even though he still tends to go 0/10 in the laningface, but this he wont comment about.
Typical Ollihusa quote: "Går det bra?"

LCS casters about Ollihusa: "Look, its OlliHOOOOOOSAAAAA!!!"
by Langåsdammen eSports March 2, 2017
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