3 definitions by LaGoat

When a woman is expected to give birth to a white baby, but ends up delivering a black baby.
John: 'Oh babe, you're doing so well...push, push!'
Crying fills the room....
John: 'What the fuck!?!'
Doctor laughing: 'Ha...looks like you had a blaccident'
by LaGoat October 27, 2011
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The sweaty discharge that accumulates in your underwear while holding in an impending shit, while stuck in a conversation with someone.
I was on my way to the bathroom when I was interrupted by Mary. As she began telling me about her morning, I quickly developed Soupy Pants.
by LaGoat November 9, 2010
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A fart that is dispensed at work in the middle of a group of people discussing non-work related events.
As Kurt, Justin and I laughed about the previous weekend's activities, an unrelenting stench crept from somewhere beneath the bowels of hell, forcing us to scatter and get back to work. Our manager smiled knowing that his Back to Work Fart was a success.
by LaGoat March 31, 2011
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