1 definition by LMAO___

A word that is currently wide used over Chinese social media, to mock those fan girls/boys who can not make righteous judgement when it comes to her/his idol. The world skr became popular over the internet as the show “the Rap of China”, as one of the mentor Kris Wu intentionally saying this word over and over again, his ability of teaching others to rap was questioned by others - he can barely rap without autotune. However, his fan girls/boys chose to ignore the truth and claim that he was set up by others; they acted as victims to cyber bully those who have questioned kris wu. Therefore, the word skr is used by the internet to mock the fan girls/boys.
A: Why does everyone hate my idol?
B: I don’t know what to say but skr Skr Skr~
by LMAO___ July 30, 2018
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