2 definitions by LETS see

Also known as ‘the Silicon Valley of India’. The weather is described to be the best in Bangalore compared to other Indian cities, due to less pollution. The beauty of this place is that Bangalorians can experience sunny, cloudy and rainy weather in the exact same day.
Oh it was sunny few minutes ago but now it rained. Typical Bangalore climate man!
by LETS see October 30, 2021
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This is the name of one of the best schools in Karnataka, India. Candor is derived from the Latin word 'candere' which means 'to shine'. It is the first certified ‘Green School’ in the whole country of India with a world class campus. The motto that the students follow in Candor is ‘Preparing for Life’. At Candor, the students are referred to as ‘Candorians’. ‘Candorians’ are very proud of their school as they emphasise on skill-based learning, cognitive thinking, ethical behaviour, moral integrity, experiential learning, leadership and individuality. Some ‘Candorians’ are concerned about teachers leaving and joining a lot, while others question the high school fees though they rationalize that every school has its pros and cons. However, although it is a small school in population, there are still all types of people here so common niches join up to be squads or besties. Everyone who graduated from this school leaves with awesome memories and get accepted into reputed universities (especially abroad) since this is the school best at delivering opportunities despite what “outsiders” think.
dude : “Preparing Us for Life, Oh Candor School”
dudett : “My best years of my life is in Candor. I will miss this school when I graduate
by LETS see October 30, 2021
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