2 definitions by L.O.T.N.O.

1. Noun. Someone who uses Urban-Dictionary definitions to try and prove a point - either seriously, or in an attempt to troll.

2. Noun. Someone who believes that something added UrbanDictionary.com is somehow validated.

3. A total n00b.
"He dragged up 'definition added to UrbanDictionary.com' as if that meant something important. Yeah - look, buddy, I can make something up right now, and get it accepted - UrbanDictionary.com doesn't exactly proofread and research every entry they get. God, what a total bathy!"
by L.O.T.N.O. October 27, 2005
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1. Noun. A character created for the sole purpose of posting anonymously on the official forum of an online game.

2. A breed of Forum Troll that lives in online games where forum names are tied to characters.
"The level 1 alt posted a long, heated rant about why Shaman were overpowered - but everyone saw that he was just trolling for attention."
by L.O.T.N.O. October 27, 2005
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