2 definitions by KwordmanL

noun | do-nok-ruh-see | \do-ˈnä-krə-sē\

1. A system of government controlled by those who donate the most money to candidates seeking election
When wealthy donors demanded that Congress pass the tax cut or they would stop giving money, it is evident that our system of democracy has become a donocracy. People who donate money call the shots.
by KwordmanL March 8, 2018
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noun | po-lit-i-stress | \pə-ˈli-ti-stres\

1. Unease or anxiety brought on by reaction to the operation of a government or the election thereof.
Ever since the election, people are experiencing daily anxiety about the policies of the new government; their politistress is running very high.
by KwordmanL March 8, 2018
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