1 definition by Kus_ummak
Izam is Arabic/Muslim Boy name and meaning of this name is "The Powerful One".
Personality analysis of Izam by personality number 3:
“You are highly attractive. Many men with a 3 Personality are very handsome. Your vibration is full of life. You are uplifting, inspiring, and charming. You are a fun person to be around. Your wit and sparkling personality make you the life of a party. You are extroverted and optimistic. You appreciate fine clothing and jewelry, and enjoy dressing up a bit. ”
Personality analysis of Izam by personality number 3:
“You are highly attractive. Many men with a 3 Personality are very handsome. Your vibration is full of life. You are uplifting, inspiring, and charming. You are a fun person to be around. Your wit and sparkling personality make you the life of a party. You are extroverted and optimistic. You appreciate fine clothing and jewelry, and enjoy dressing up a bit. ”
by Kus_ummak January 3, 2022