1 definition by Ksurbsjshsnks
The most amazing girl you will ever meet. She can get very annoying but you will learn to get used to it. She is the strangest person on earth and she will capture your attention in the blink of an eye. She is loved by a lot of people and she cares about everyone. She will be your shoulder to cry on, your sunshine in the darkest of days, your umbrella in the pouring rain she is going to be there for you when you need it. You cry she cries. You die she dies. She will go through any pain just to see you happy. Although she is broken herself she knows how to forget it and act like everything is ok. She is such a child and loves kids. She is very dumb when it comes to common sense. Very beautiful and shines brighter than anyone else. If you are speaking to her make sure she isn't daydreaming (she daydreams every second of the day). She will literally be staring at you deep in the freaking eyeball and will not hear a thing you said. She can be a pain in the ass! Literally she will give you a freaking headache. But you gotta love her! She is the greatest friend of all time and you never wanna break her trust. If you ever have a Felicity, i am warning you, don't ever lose or break her heart she will forgive but she will never forget.
Man 1: Brooo freaking Felicity is a pain in my ass!
Man 2: You're surprised why?
Man 1: Trueee
Man 3: *giant sigh* gotta love her
Man 2: You're surprised why?
Man 1: Trueee
Man 3: *giant sigh* gotta love her
by Ksurbsjshsnks September 7, 2017