2 definitions by Kk21

A beautiful girl inside and out. She extends a helping hand to those in need, without expecting anything in return, a Starbucks Caramel Mocha lover, an is extremely intelligent. Has a peculiar habit of using periodic tables from her science class, those tiny credit-card sized ones, as a bookmark.
I saw a girl at Starbucks the other day... her grace and charm makes her stand out above all others... reminds me of an Atiqah.
by Kk21 December 7, 2010
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Rafaqit is someone with the smile you can't stop staring at and the one who's laugh is so contagious. He has a caring heart and is patient. If you get on his good side, he'll always be there for you but if you get on his bad side, you're in trouble basically! He is a unique character which can never be replaced. If he's open with you, feel lucky. At first you're not sure what to expect when talking to Rafaqit but he is truly someone with full respect and knows how to have fun. Hold onto any Rafaqit you know, trust me he's special.
Omg is that Rafaqit?
by Kk21 June 15, 2015
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