3 definitions by King Vicious

To roll up a blunt of marijuana.

Recently came into popular use after being used on the West Coast.
Marco: "Chill dawg...break bread so I can finesse this OG into this blunt and twist up."

Juan: Say less.
by King Vicious April 23, 2018
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A paintball video community that focuses on making the sport of paintball more social by visually showing people how fun and exciting paintball can be.
Did you see that video on YouTube today? Nope, already saw it on Social Paintball like 3 weeks ago.
by King Vicious November 3, 2009
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Someone who always makes bad decisions and finds trouble or is born into a hardship that puts them into a troubled existence, but then manages to find a way to rid his/her life of said trouble. Therefore, becoming untroubleless.
After doing his time and spending 8 years in prison Bryan got out and met up with his homie Pedro and emphatically declared, "I'm untroubleless for life!"
by King Vicious March 5, 2019
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