3 definitions by King BookRock


A Pony is a girl who wears a lot of makeup, does up her hair every day, wears really fancy clothes everywhere, and obnoxiously large and sparkly jewelry in order to hide the fact that underneath all of that she is just an ugly little horse.
Garrett: Who is more of a Pony, Kim Kardashian or Snooki from the Jersey Shore?

Gary: Wait what do you mean they are both totally hot.

Garrett: Yeah, you would say that you are a total Pony Kisser.
by King BookRock August 12, 2011
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Pony Kisser

A Pony Kisser is a guy who finds a "Pony" attractive. Where a "Pony" is a girl who wears a lot of makeup, does up her hair every day, wears really fancy clothes everywhere, and obnoxiously large and sparkly jewelry in order to hide the fact that underneath all of that she is just an ugly little horse.
BCH: You see that Pony Gary is making out with?

Garrett: Oh My Gad! She is nasty. He can't be fooled by all that make-up, can he?

BCH: Ha! That Goof, he's such a Pony Kisser.
by King BookRock August 18, 2011
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1.)The absolute worst person you can imagine.

2.)At the cutting edge of being "a piece of shit."

3.)Someone who has the worst bummy swag imaginable.
B.C.H: WTF are we waiting for, I'm starving?

KBR: We can't hit up Saturday Lunch until Goofball is done with his fantasy draft.

B.C.H.: I'm sick of that state of the art piece of shit and his 12 fantasy teams holdin' up the Saturday Lunch Club

KBR: Yeah, he sucks.
by King BookRock August 27, 2011
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