2 definitions by Killer Bud

Velvet Genocide is caused by unlawful policies that are enforced to make people comply. It is when a policy does more harm than good and ruins millions of lives.

People who openly oppose the unlawful policy, and protest it, are targeted and profiled.
The Controlled Substance Act is creating a "Velvet Genocide" It ruins millions of lives, and even causes lives to be lost. Yet certain sects of our government who profit off of it, will lie to maintain the status-quot at our expense.
by Killer Bud August 14, 2012
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Government Schizophrenia is caused when a government enforces and supports two completely different policies that are blatantly contradictory.
The United States has "Government Schizophrenia" when it comes to it's policies regarding cannabis prohibition. According to the government's Controlled Substances Act, cannabis has no medicinal value, and is deemed a schedule 1 narcotic. While on the other hand the government patents it's cannabinoids from cannabis, claiming they have medicinal value.
by Killer Bud August 14, 2012
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