1 definition by KennyColorado

1. to move both arms in a single and simultaneous thrusting motion accompanied by a repulsive, but unique, facial expression
2. to show symptoms of an abnormally large growth and distorted shape of the head, disproportionate hair growth towards the back of the neck, and obscured pupils as a result of swollen cheeks and eyelids
3. a gangbang of kangaroos

verb: kangbang; noun: kangbanger
1. Dan kangbanged just in front of the entrance to the Science Facilities.
2a. Two-July began to kangbang from nascence to his teenage years.
2b. As a kangbanger, Donald was pitied by his peers.
3. Holy fuck! I can't believe they're kangbanging, mate!
by KennyColorado January 31, 2011
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