1 definition by Keldertron

The absolute worst customer service representative you can find. A bored middle aged woman who is a upset that you interrupted Candy Crush in order to get service.

They'll blame you for spilling the coffee they were holding, but will begrudgingly get you a new cup because their boss is watching. And they still expect an epic tip, even though you had to clean up your mess.
"Esther looked up unaffectionately from her phone as the couple walked in to the restaurant. She waved them to an empty seat without saying a word while she finished her candy crush level."

"Esther sent out the package without confirming the mailing address. She was surprised when the client didn't receive it. She was further annoyed to find out that the customer had been trying to contact her to give her the right address. Why couldn't they have just done that to begin with? She was too busy making tiktok challenges to read every email that came in."
by Keldertron January 14, 2022
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