1 definition by Karina G

A city within California's 562 area, where many old people live. Many believe it to be ghetto, and refer to Downey as D-town. It includes the original Taco Bell and the world's longest-running McDonald's. The Krikorian is the town's only movie theater. Downey's main shopping centers are the Stonewood Mall and the Downey Landing. There is a long-standing rivalry between Downey High School and Warren High School in the town. Downey is surrounded by Bell Gardens, Pico Rivera, Santa Fe Springs, Norwalk, Bellflower, Paramount, Compton, Lynwood, and Southgate.
The Carpenters and James Hetfield of Metallica came from Downey.

Let's go check out the old cars at the McDonald's in Downey Friday night.

Dude, there's nothing to do here in Downey. Let's go to one of the town's sixteen donut shops.

The Downey-Warren Game is tonight! Let's go give dirty looks to opposing fans at In-n-Out and do it again afterwards at Norms.
by Karina G January 6, 2007
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