4 definitions by Kafir Alalazoo

A supporter of Ron Paul, typically sporting a wicked case of isolationism, with a heaping helping of racism on the side.
"Based on the lame, scripted comments she left, I could tell she was a Rontard before I even visited her profile page."
by Kafir Alalazoo February 3, 2008
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An Islamic jihadist suffering from such extreme stupidity as to result in his (or her) arrest or death.
Mohammed Salameh returned to the rental agency in 1993 to retrieve the $400 deposit he had paid on a truck used to blow up the World Trade Center. Mohammed Salameh is a major Islamodouche.

A group of Iraqi insurgents video taped the planning and execution of an attack on a U.S. outpost in Diyala province. The planning phase included the use of little plastic toy cars, and the attack resulted in the death of every insurgent, including the cameraman.
Their efforts to create a propaganda film resulted not only in their own deaths, but also provided the US military with the video propaganda they had hoped to use.
These individuals were Islamodouches.
by Kafir Alalazoo January 3, 2008
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The body of a deceased Muslim terrorist.

Mujicle is derived from the term "mujahideen", and refers to the frozen state of a jihadists corpse as it awaits burial.
"The raid by coalition forces produced three AK-47s, parts for improvised explosive devices, several Syrian, and Iranian passports, a dozen sexually traumatized goats and one badly mangled mujicle."

"The mujicle looked like second place in a two man hatchet fight."

"Does this mujicle come with soup or a salad?"
by Kafir Alalazoo January 4, 2008
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The body of a deceased Muslim terrorist.

Mujicle is derived from the term "mujahideen", and refers to the frozen state of a jihadists corpse as it awaits burial.
"The raid by coalition forces produced three AK-47s, parts for improvised explosive devices, several Syrian, and Iranian passports, a dozen sexually traumatized goats and one badly mangled mujicle."

"The mujicle looked like second place in a two man hatchet fight."

"Does this mujicle come with soup or a salad?"
by Kafir Alalazoo January 13, 2008
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