1 definition by KS ANON.

A certain genre of female, a term used to describe several characteristics in women. Usually a beautiful woman with a gorgeous smile and legs like a model, and a great personality. Charissas are usually easy going and a bit flighty, but its okay cus THEY'RE A MUSICIAN. Most girls want to be a Charissa, and unfortunately for them are usually just a Sarah (See Sarah). You are a Charissa if your both intelligent and artistic, and also too attractive for your own good.

Common misspellings are Carisa, Carissa, or Karissa.

Common mispronunciations are Sharissa.
"Im taking this girl out tonight"

"Yeah? Whats she like?"

"Shes totally Charissa"

"WOW How'd you land that?!"
by KS ANON. February 6, 2010
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