1 definition by KMC-

What's your favorite method for jerking off? For me, it's something I like to call "the rub".
Though not as popular as other methods, when done correctly "the rub" can really be quite satisfying. "The rub" is where, instead of pumping away like the typical jerk off technique you see all the time, you rub the head of your penis back and forth across your lower abdomen.
One of the key differences between pumping and "the rub" is that your dick, hand, and stomach all need to be bone dry. You may need to keep a kleenex or two handy to dry up sweat and precum.
I recommend that any guy who has never tried "the rub" before give it a go and report back on how you liked it.
dude, i totally tried "The Rub" last night
by KMC- September 8, 2005
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