1 definition by KCLlama

An online art community, where users, called Deviants, can sign up for a free account and upload their artwork, called Deviations. You can subscribe for a fee to receive additional benefits (such as ad-free browsing). Generally a nice place, with many intelligent and friendly members who can offer helpful insight and advice. And yes, there ARE some really amazing artists on dA who fully deserve the recognition they get.

And the abundance of mediocre manga fanart isn't even that bad - at least they tried to put some sort of artistic effort into it. What's truly horrible are the countless adolescent girls who feel the need to pepper dA with cam-whoresque pictures under the guise of expressive portraiture. Please, do it somewhere else. It's extremely selfish and egocentric, and it ruins the experience for those of us who take dA seriously.

If you truly enjoy art and put thought and effort into your work, and are willing to offer insightful, intelligent comments, please, sign up. deviantArt needs more people like you.
I found a gorgeous painting on deviantArt yesterday, so I added it to my favourites and left a comment.

If deviantArt turns into MySpace I swear I'm going to strangle something.
by KCLlama March 7, 2008
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