3 definitions by K2468

The coolest person ever. Once someone tried to be just a mere 1/10000000000000000000000000000000000 as cool and died because their body could not physically handle the insane amount of awesome circulating through their veins. He exploded so violently that all the dinosaurs went extinct. Scratch that... he exploded so hard he generated the Big Bang and created all of existence besides one corpse. That was the corpse of their uncool, dead body. I’m sorry to break it to you, but unless YOU are Pola herself, could not possibly be as cool, beautiful, or perfect as her. That is all, you may leave now. VIVA LA POLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pola is my best friend! -me
by K2468 July 11, 2018
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The coolest person ever. Once someone tried to be just a mere 1/10000000000000000000000000000000000 as cool and died because their body could not physically handle the insane amount of awesome circulating through their veins. He exploded so violently that all the dinosaurs went extinct. Scratch that... he exploded so hard he generated the Big Bang and created all of existence besides one corpse. That was the corpse of their uncool, dead body. I’m sorry to break it to you, but unless YOU are Pola herself, could not possibly be as cool, beautiful, or perfect as her. That is all, you may leave now. VIVA LA POLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pola is awesome.
by K2468 July 11, 2018
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