2 definitions by Just_saying**~~

The most amazing guy ever. He has the kindest heart and the best spirit. His eyes are a blueish turquoise that will draw any girl in close. He is sporty and handsome and anything a girl wants. If you ever get this guy, DO NOT let go. You’d be loosing so much. Kiss him like there’s no other, cause trust me. There isn’t.
Me: omg there’s Garrett!!!
Friend 1: ooh go get him girl
Friend 2: I’m going to pull him over here
Me: wait what no!!
*friend 2 pulls him by the arm*
Garrett: uh ok I’m confused
Me: uhh... *blushing*
Friend 1: *shoves me into garrett*
Me: eek.
*friends rush away*

Garrett: *catches* woah are you okay?
Me: y-yah
Garrett: wow your beautiful
Me: thanks *kisses*
Garrett: *kisses back*
by Just_saying**~~ September 19, 2019
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Violet is a pretty nice girl. She’s got a few jagged edges but she is okay. She has pretty brown hair (and sometimes red when she dyes it) her eyes are big and brown. She’s kind of short but that’s okay. Her brown hair is long and thick. She has olive brown skin and is like an hour glass. She’s got glasses cause her sights bad. Don’t mess with her, she’s got a hard hit. She can be dirty and is dirty minded but who cares right? Back off haters
Girl 1: do you see violet over there?
Girl 2: yah what about her?
Girl 1: I hate her, she’s so pretty, let’s go beat her up.
Girl 2: yes of course, then you can get Joey back.
*they walk up*
Girl 1: hey violet, look at your fat butt, must be the chocolate.
Violet: you know what, my butt is big yah, but that attracts boys. *slaps girl 2* back off.
by Just_saying**~~ September 19, 2019
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