2 definitions by Just another..teenager

Disgusting, heavy loaded in calories and fat and unknown crap, fast food is convienient and easy to get if you don't have time to get a decent meal. Fast food is also cheap and usually you can buy lunch for less than five bucks. In the end, however, you would be paying hundreds of dollars to get rid of all that fat.
Innocent child: Mmmm burgers! Yum! Hey mom look at this cool toy they gave in my Happy Meal. Let's indulge ourselves in a Happy Meal every two weeks!

Some 30 years later--
same person:"Oh no! Going to the gym is getting expensive..wish I never ate all those Happy Meals when I was a kid..hell, I paid 3 bucks every time for a Crappy meal to go inside me. damn fast food!"
(looks at their flabby but not` fab. body)
some passerby: yeah well you know what they say, what goes around comes back around!
by Just another..teenager September 6, 2008
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These days, I'm not even sure what the hell emo is. Apparently it used to be a subgenre of hardcore punk, later became emocore (emotional hardcore), and somewhere within the last twenty or so years of its existence it changed into some damn stereotype or fashion style. Nowadays, its just whovever wears skinny jeans, old school or skater shoes, black rimmed glasses, tshirts of bands, and the jet black straight emo haircut. Have any or one or two of the following and some fool will come up to you and ask, "Are you emo?". Seriously..it's getting really ridiculous. You don't even need to cut yourself, just dress up like one and call yourself one. There, I just stereotyped emo and cutting (which I am clueless as to when did cutters become emo? aren't cutters just potentially suicidal people who just need help?)
Emo people are shy, sensitive, and emotional people. That's not how I see it at my school..maybe because all this stereotype stuff is brainwashing me. Or my highschool is messed up with all the "emo wannabees" lined up. Probably both, but I'm forever confused on the real meaning of emo. Give it another decade or two. Let's just wait and see how this emo will keep changing.
1) (1985) some guy: hey man, didn't you just love that Rites of Spring CD? it was cool but I heard its called emocore or something.

2) (today) some poser: got the haircut and I fit in the jeans..woot! cool now I just have to act..depressed..emotional..and maybe even cut myself to stand out!
by Just another..teenager September 6, 2008
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