2 definitions by Just a Potato, a kawaii potato

The way one may misspell "pregnant", mainly on Yahoo answers though.
"Dude, I may be pregenat"
"You know, pergenat"
"Wait, "pregnant?"
"No, pergenat"
"You're a fucking idiot"


"What happen when get pergenat"
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A once political movement which helped women get equal rights in social, economic and political stances , now used as an excuse for man- hating, and over all acting like an imbecile. Recently it has been called "intersectional feminism" meaning it covers the rights of all races, genders, religions and sexual orientation. Sounds great, but it does nothing but promote "white-guilt", shaming of cisgender and/or heterosexual people, worshipping obesity and entertaining the idea of a "patriarchy".
Many if not all feminists use the "wage gap" and the "pink tax" as reasons as to why feminism is needed. If it is not those two it is "white male privilege", "rape culture", or "cultural appropriation", and all the things I've named have one definitive thing in common, they don't exist.
Feminism has paired up with movements such as BLM /aka, "we'll commit violence to prove POC aren't violent!"/, Body positivity, which honestly wouldn't be a bad movement if it didn't promote obesity, And Islam, which is a religion which, at its core, shames and punishes homosexuals, and women with death amongst other horrible things.
When in an argument with a feminist many if not all will scream "racism", "sexism", "homophobia", "Islamophobia" and "Trump supporter" to shut you up, or bring up events which have not happened in decades to attempt to prove their point, ie. black slavery.
Feminism has also sparked movements such as the "meninists" or "MGTOW" which only prove how ridiculous feminists are.
In short Feminism is no longer needed
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