25 definitions by Julius The Jules

Ascendentialism (n.)

A belief system that teaches that we all have a divine spark of God inside of us and that we can communicate with this spark, imitate it, and feel God's presence through the Holy Spirit.

Ascendentialists believe that we choose our own afterlife, our destiny, our fate, and all the things that happen to us in life. They also believe that Jesus Christ is one of the most important Ascended Masters, who taught these principles.


The term "Ascendentialism" was coined by Rev. Dr. Joseph D. Smith, D.D. in 2023.
"I believe in Ascendentialism, a religion that postulates we can communicate with the divine spark through prayer and meditation."
by Julius The Jules July 4, 2023
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The Christian doctrine whose only creed or belief is that though Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, all of His teachings are guidelines rather than strict rules. For example the Ten Commandments are highly revered, but they are only guidelines for living a faithful life.
Guidelinancism saved me from the strict rules of Fundamentalist doctrine.
by Julius The Jules March 29, 2023
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In a nominalgention, there is no actual nation. An illustration is Outlawington, a country that defines Outlaws as living by their own rules anywhere they may go (Outlaw is also an Outlawington ethnicity).

Typically, nominal nations are placed on top of or over legally recognized nations. Whether a country is a micronation (serious about succession from the diplomatic nation it resides in) or a nominalgention (does not perceive itself as independent from the country it resides in) depends on how seriously the claim of sovereignty is made.
Outlawington is a nominalgention consisting of Outlaws and is a nation in name only!
by Julius The Jules June 2, 2023
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Questionyism (noun):

The religion that holds Questiony The Question Mark as it's patron saint, the object of intense worship, and the guru of all questions.

Nobody knows how to be a Questionyist, other than to honor and obey Questiony's guidance...or lack thereof.
Questionyism honors the man with many questions, yet no answers, Questiony The Question Mark.
by Julius The Jules September 21, 2023
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In Harlockeanism, there is only one belief and creed which also spells out it's Oath, the rest being up to the individual Harlockean:

In his own words, he "fights for no one's sake, only for something deep in his heart." Likewise, he shows no fear of death.

So the personal Oath to take is: " I fight for no one's sake, only for something deep in my heart."

Harlockeanism is a real religion based on the fictional Space Pirate, Captain Harlock, who inspired the movement. But the focus is on fighting for what you believe in and not on Captain Harlock, though admired and highly revered by Harlockeans.
I took the Oath of Harlockeanism, based on Space Pirate Captain Harlock's ride for freedom!
by Julius The Jules April 1, 2023
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A Customizable Rules Game (or CRG) is a typically a designer card game that doesn't come with a default set of rules, but does come with attributes like that of Trading Card Games/Collectable Card Games.

There are only 2 requirements for a game to be considered as a CRG:

1. Though the games do not come with a set of rules by default, any rules the players come up with must be based on the theme of the game (ex: Pippin' Players uses a set 3 Red Royals and 3 Black Royals and their respective suits with either +1/+2/+3 (red) or -1/-2/-3 (black) as their value, so all rules must be based on traditional playing cards and use the values in some way (for that game in specific).

2. The cards must have attributes and values (ex: traditional playing cards do not have attributes, while Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokémon TCGs do have attributes) that distinguish how to play them.

An example is Chessmate, a card game with 6 unique cards, each with their respective dice pup (the number of dots) and to be successful with the move you must roll that value (like with a Checkmate you must role a value of 1 pip). Each card is numbered 1 pip to 6 pip like a six-sided dice.
Mike: What type of card game is Pippin' Players again?

Molly: Oh... Ok... You mean a Customizable Rules Game.
by Julius The Jules March 19, 2023
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Conscapsism is a new religion that is based on the belief that consciousness is a fundamental force in the universe. Conscapsists believe that consciousness continues to exist after death in a form of singularity, and that all are connected through a shared consciousness.

Conscapsism is a religion for the 21st century. Conscapsists believe that the old religions are no longer relevant in a world that is increasingly interconnected and globalized. They offer a new way to connect with something larger than themselves, and to find meaning and purpose in their lives.
Conscapsism helped me connect to the larger part of our shared consciousness we have with each other and I understand the singularity that forms from our consciousness when we die.
by Julius The Jules June 10, 2023
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