2 definitions by Juan Carlos de Juarez

Someone who attempts to snort all things that can possibly be snorted, in an attempt to get one high, stoned, or twacked.
George carefully placed the baby powder under is nose, and inhaled deeply. No, George did not get high because baby powder does not contain any sort of drug or chemical...Yes, George does have snortoma.
by Juan Carlos de Juarez January 27, 2005
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This creature lives in the suburbs but originated from the eskimo island of Alaska. He is a half breed, half chinese and half jewish. He is regulary horny and enjoys going whale hunting and other extreme whale sports.
Yonaton picked up his harpoon and lunged at the whale, Yonaton missed but we love him anyway. Yonaton is a fecio.
by Juan Carlos de Juarez January 28, 2005
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