2 definitions by Joshyjay2553

A term now used by black Americans to those who think "ghetto" American culture which originated with Europeans is what defines them. They do not know what practice really has nothing to do with them. "Coons" will call anyone who agrees with this an "Oreo" or "hater". This has nothing to do with how the person in question speaks. Afican American vehicular English is not used in slag
by Joshyjay2553 May 18, 2018
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A racist religion that has it's origins in Europe. Responsible for most of the crimes in America that is child molesters, child rape , pedophile rings and child pornography. Churches of Christianity often support and are part the organized crimes that are made to promote pedophillia. Passeges in the Bible often condone child rape since Jesus was said to have slept with many.
Christianity is respondible for most of the chrimes in America. Especially pedophillia
by Joshyjay2553 May 19, 2018
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