5 definitions by Josh Curtis

Someone who makes you listen to shitty music while in their car or at their house.
bob was an audio terrorist the other day when i was ridin to work with him
by Josh Curtis January 22, 2010
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a happy spot refers to the genital area of a man or woman.
"i was all up in that chicks happy spot last night"
by Josh Curtis October 15, 2009
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makin beats with the MPC 2000
J-Dog was Boom Bappin on the drum machine today.
by Josh Curtis November 24, 2008
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You and another person type the same thing at the same time on someones wall, status message, photo, note, or any other place you could make a comment.
joe blow's status message -

joe blow is kissing his girls happy spot

josh:(7:03pm) yeah right we all know you're gay
John:(7:03pm) yeah right we all know you're gay

the above is a facebook jinks at which point normal jinks rules apply.
by Josh Curtis October 15, 2009
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