1 definition by JonMotherFuckingMathan

A city outside of Portland,OR.
This place obviously has a lot of whiny bitches that cry about everybody being fake, when really they are just kidding themselves. You just have to make the best of things and take your anger out by fucking around in random stores and throwing shit out of your cars at people and at starbucks. And don't forget to get fucking wasted. climbing the rooftops and getting the cops called on you for doing awesome shit that most of those losers are never gonna get to experience.

The cops have nothing to do except cruise around and steal peoples wheel chairs that they bought fair and square. and it has so many people that say everybody around them are douchebags and fakie preps and don't realize that its fun being a douchebag.
Nerds: everybody here is fake and i cry and masturbate myself to sleep everynight cause i can't get any.

True West Linnian: *kicks in balls* LOSER
by JonMotherFuckingMathan July 29, 2011
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