2 definitions by Jomce M. Yag

A movie from the 1980s with Sean Connery and a lot of midgets. There's one scene where a boat capsizes and a line of midgets on beach chairs all fall in unison. A similar effect could be reached by throwing disproportionate ragdolls down a water slide.
This movie is pure madness.
Time bandits will keep you guessing if your not giving your full attention but is worth a couple hours of manic stoned laughter.
by Jomce M. Yag September 4, 2015
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A play on words to describe a situation with both herb and tobacco.
1. A spliff
2. Smoking tobacco near burning herb to disguise the smell.
3. Something to tell someone who asks about a rolly.
1. Eddy rolls three spliffs a day, sometimes seven, for whatever happens.
2. Spark a marb I'm sparking a J.
3. Some Scroungy Fuck: "Is that a joint? Can I hit that shit?"
Me: "No, It's urban tobacco."
by Jomce M. Yag September 4, 2015
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