17 definitions by Joey Orgler

Those big ass honkahs dat is attashed to da frun of evree bich n hoe in Ha'lem.
Did yall just see t3h b3wbz on dat HO? I could juss ****....
by Joey Orgler October 21, 2007
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A professional wrestler contracted with the WWE, who is the most over-hyped, under-talented, and non-charismatic flop ever seen. Hopefully, in the near future he will die, as he abuses steroids. Better yet, Brock Lesnar returns and F-5's Batista through three flaming tables onto a bed of thumbtacs. His finishing move is the Brooklyn Bomb, which was mislabeled as the Batista Bomb by mistaken commentators.
Batista, The Great Khali, and John Cena will be the death of professional wrestling.
by Joey Orgler October 21, 2007
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An ancient and sacred ritual performed by two males for control of the tribe, or for fun in New York. It involves insertion of a large wooden chopstick exactly halfway down the urethra of the first contender. Next, the challenger inserts the remaining 1/2 into his own penis. From there, both men masturbate until one has shot the chopstick completely down the other's p-hole. Traditionally, the victor defecates on the losers chest.
Bill wanted to watch The Simpsons, but Haansehm wanted to watch House, so they had a Cambodian Showdown.
by Joey Orgler October 21, 2007
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