1 definition by Joecelinne

The phrase used by the twenty one pilots fandom. Usually stated or commented as a sort of greeting, similar to "have a nice day" or "I hope the best for you". It's also commented under posts of twenty one pilots fans that seem depressed or sad and is then taken literally to stay alive, to stay strong, and that the conditions will only be temporary.
Example #1
*tøp fan#1 Instagram caption* ugh, i don't know what to do anymore. Everything is so hard I just wish I could disappear.
*tøp fan#2 comment* stay alive |-/

Example #2
*famous tøp fan account* I'm so excited for tomorrow I finally get to see Tyler and Josh live. Good day/night everyone! Stay alive |-/
by Joecelinne August 21, 2016
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