3 definitions by Jocelyn a.k.a. Jozzie/TinaBoo

When a person says something that is stupid, makes no since, or is not true. Origionated in the Mid-West. (Kansas)
Person 1-Didn't you go wit Beyonce'?
Person 2-Point!

Person 1-Did you know that the grass used to be purple?
Person 2-Point!
by Jocelyn a.k.a. Jozzie/TinaBoo December 10, 2005
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Anyone who has alot of game. Can make them do things they normally wouldn't do.
I got a cold mouthpiece.
by Jocelyn a.k.a. Jozzie/TinaBoo December 10, 2005
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Jennifer Lopez-I'll sell you this caot for $10000000

Brad Pitt-Ok

Beyonce'-That was a huss. She bought that coat for $5.
by Jocelyn a.k.a. Jozzie/TinaBoo December 10, 2005
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