1 definition by Jimmythesnagglepuss

The level at which one understands society's, and opposite sex's appeal to oneself. Is able to recognize appropriate times to act immature and can confidently carry themselves through times of despair, relationship issues, job interviews, exams, family problems, etc.

A mature person is mentally free of all immature excuses such as, egocentric blameworthiness, "too tired", "I forgot", or lying for cover. Instead, a mature person will respond to issues with admittance and apologize.

Police Officer - do you know how fast you were driving before I pulled you over?

Driver (lying) - I didn't even know what the speed limit was?


Police Officer - Do you know how fast you were driving before I pulled you over?

Driver (honest and apologetic) - My apologies officer but I believe I was traveling around 15 over the speed limit.
by Jimmythesnagglepuss September 27, 2011
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