6 definitions by Jim Richalds.

the residue left on the screen of your phone after you have just used it for a phone call.
Phil: Hey dude can i borrow your phone for a sec?

Jim: Yeah bro go for it.

Phil: Geez, there is a bunch of cheek-juice on it. (frowns in disgust)
by Jim Richalds. October 6, 2009
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No-Emo is very similar to no homo. One will use "No-Emo" to state to another person that what they are about to say is to not be taken in a emo way.
Joe: Hey bro. How's life?

Steve: Dude, life has been, No-Emo, terrible lately. Allison broke up with me and then she sent me a text saying that she was pregnant and that i should go to an STD clinic.

Joe:That sucks...my life has been great!
by Jim Richalds. November 26, 2009
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a straight male who texts another straight male strictly for a converstaion or to just "talk".
Dylan: Hey buddy :)

Jake: Dude are you serious?

Dylan: What do you mean? :(

Jake: Im not a sausage texter bro. You know this.
by Jim Richalds. September 16, 2009
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head movies- what an unitelligent person calls dreams.
Jack: Momma, i see you in my head movies.

Momma: Those are called dreams. (wishes she hadn't done heroin while pregnant)
by Jim Richalds. September 13, 2009
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A better word than bullshine to use in the workplace and on the radio/t.v. that is safe to say.
Joe-Do you see that bro? This guy made fun of my defintion of bullshine!

Bill-I know dude. That's bullspit. (laughs at Joe's displeasure)
by Jim Richalds. October 31, 2009
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An e-turn is used when driving in the snow (usually while attempting a u-turn) and you pull your emergency brake to turn your car without having to put it in the reverse gear.
Pat: Dude! did you see that e-turn Jim just pulled off?

Darryl: That was insane! But I can't tell if that's cool or just plain laziness...
by Jim Richalds. December 10, 2009
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