3 definitions by Jiffy Peej

When one male surrounds himself with four women on four different beds, connecting corner to corner so that he becomes inclosed, and thrusting in a rythmic fashion to each attendant why'll listening to folk.
I'm so exhausted. Me, Cindy, Trixie, ShaNayNay, and Esther got together and square danced all night long.
by Jiffy Peej February 7, 2007
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Instead of using a tissue, a male climaxes onto a plain white piece of paper and then folds it into note-form.
"I wouldn't accuse Tommy of masterbating, but I found a jizznote by the computer."
by Jiffy Peej May 11, 2007
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One who attends an orgy with little or no say.
Shut the hell up, Bob. You've got no say about what goes in your ass, you stupid attendant!
by Jiffy Peej February 7, 2007
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