1 definition by Jezzyisarat

The girl whose not jezebel or jezabel, her name is always said wrong in class, she grows up being compared to a definition of a name thats not hers, name poems were always hard. She's overly caring and never wants any one to be upset, she keeps her feelings hidden because she thinks others are more important. People tell her shes beautiful but she doesn't believe it one bit, she lets people walk all over her, and then people get upset when she tries to stand up for herself. She's most likely the biggest people pleaser you'll ever meet. She should've been taught at a young age that its okay to have emotions and ask for something you want, and that it's okay to be upset sometimes. She feels the weight of the world is on her shoulders but she never breaks unless shes alone. She doesn't like attention but she wants it sometimes to feel special, but she'll never ask for it cause she doesn't want to be selfish. Shes very loyal, even if someone hurts her badly. She craves love so badly, but she doesn't think she deserves it. She beats herself down constantly, she stresses over everything, she's pretty much a mess. She doesn't like to talk much because what other people say are more important.
Man Jezabela is so quite in class I forgot she was even there.
by Jezzyisarat October 25, 2019
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