2 definitions by Jewholics Anonymous

A Jewish summer camp tradition that happens at the break of dawn. The steps are as followed:

1) buy a ton of Chinese food the day or morning before

2) leave the Chinese food on the dash of your car all day in the summer sun
3) have all participants dress only in their underwear, lock themselves in the car with windows rolled up, and blast the heater. The more participants the better
4) upon eating every last bite of the Chinese food, the participants will leave the car and piss their pants

5) lastly, with the sunset in full swing, the participants (covered in their own urine) end the tradition by running in the lake
Hey bro are you thinking of doing hot pork car tomorrow?
Yeah man I'll go to Win Yeung tomorrow to buy the noodles
by Jewholics Anonymous June 27, 2019
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Toast made by a Jewish grandmother that tastes better than anything you have ever had before.
"OMG this is so f***ing good"
"Dude it's just toast"
"It's not just toast, this is bubi toast"
by Jewholics Anonymous November 19, 2017
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