2 definitions by Jetstar_control

An alternate way to express that a situation 'should be (shibi) alright (shibs)' and result in a desired outcome. This term can be used as a famous last word prior to engaging in an action or activity with a low likelihood of success.
Squad leader: Full squad ahead, you have a pistol and no plates, pull back!!
You: Hmm, shibi shibs!!

Friend: You just smashed 2 cans of VBs and a tequila shot, give me the keys.
You: Shibi shibs bro!!
by Jetstar_control October 18, 2020
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The act of being a dog.
Cancelling a dual-linked flight to Thailand, but cancelling the ticket when you don't want to go - even though the other person still does.

"Hey man, I'm cancelling the flight" ... "DOG ACT!"
by Jetstar_control November 16, 2011
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