1 definition by JennyMcCunty

A fictional disorder that takes either of two forms:

1) People who are stupid and socially awkward, and seek to self-diagnose themselves with Asperger's (Assburgers) to console themselves.

2) Overzealous retard parents who jump at the chance to piss in the face of medical science and expose everyone to pandemic by not vaccinating their children.
1) BAWWWW nobody likes me and I do nothing all day besides drawing furry art, I must have Assburgers or BAWWtism.

2) BAWWWW I never lived through the age of Polio, and I think vaccines cause disease even though there's tons of medical research showing the contrary. Now my kid turned out to be a tard anyway, and gave everyone at school the fucking whooping cough.
by JennyMcCunty June 12, 2009
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