2 definitions by Janus Of Aquarius

The practice or belief in believing in many Theories upon being an open minded individual.
I believe in many things rather than one thing which is called theoryism. When you take upon the belief of theoryism you will not be bound upon only one thing.
by Janus Of Aquarius May 31, 2015
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Mindism is the belief that once you obtain certain knowledge, your mind and intelligence will keep you from the corrupted lies and deceit. Mindism is also closely related to Theoryism in the sense that once someone commits to Mindism they are not bound to what society or the government feeds them that is either a lie or not true. These people are bound to always question things and not accept it as is unless proven true or false.
Me and my friend Janus have both committed to the belief Mindism, which allows us to be more aware of what might be deceitful and or what will benefit us in the long run!
by Janus Of Aquarius June 4, 2015
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