2 definitions by Jackwarren
A common phrase to descibe a stupid arrogant potato-headed cuntface. They will often claim to be brilliant at english when, in fact, they're utter shit and have the IQ of a 4 year old. Will also often masturbate over mario, pokèmon and WWE until the age of 21 where they will die of retardism, herited from mothers who earn £7,000 a year or less.
Note- often strangly resembles the Michelin Man.
Note- often strangly resembles the Michelin Man.
"Look kieran, that mother has a j dubbers!"
"Oh god, i do feel sorry for her having look at such a vile specimen"
"Oh god, i do feel sorry for her having look at such a vile specimen"
by Jackwarren March 29, 2016
A common pothead from north yorkshire who has a strange fetish for muslim phrases such as, suuuda, vaaaadi and allahu akbar. Often acts fairly autistic while making some fairly autistic comments, actually he is just genuinely autistic.
by Jackwarren March 26, 2016