3 definitions by Jack Dawson

When a buoyant turd starts to sink at one end causing the opposite end to rise out of the water. The turd will be unable to support its own weight and after only a few seconds it will violently break in half. The portion of the turd that was exposed to the air will come crashing down into the water and the two pieces will sink to the bottom of the toilet. Any corn or other undigested food unfortunate enough to be aboard this turd will be pulled under do to the vacuum effect the heavy turd creates as it sinks.
Dude, I just experienced my first Turdtanic. The splash got my ass all wet. I feel sorry for all that corn that was pulled under into a mirky cloud of shit never to be seen again.
by Jack Dawson February 3, 2007
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A clitoris that has excessive sag often resembling a boxing speed bag.
I finally pulled off Mary's panties only to discover she has a gigantic speed bag. I proceeded to get my boxing workout done while simultaneously pleasuring her.
by Jack Dawson November 21, 2007
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A perfect three part mixture of punk, goth & suck.
I work with a guy who is a total emo. He updates his mood on myspace on a daily basis so others will know how he's feeling. 9 out of 10 times it's always some adjective for his self-inflicted depression. The really sad thing is he's 27 years old.
by Jack Dawson January 15, 2009
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