4 definitions by Jack N. Meough

A smell that resembles that of urine and feces mixed together.
"dude your room smells like piss-shit"
by Jack N. Meough July 31, 2009
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The act of giving birth at a speed equivalent to mach 5.

Usually consisting of a baby rocketing out of it's mothers vagina and running into the doctor knocking him out.
"we need help in here we just hd a high velocity birth"
by Jack N. Meough July 31, 2009
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An orifice from which copious amounts of disturbing funk emanates.
Guy 1: So how was the lay with that girl last night?
Gut 2: Not that great, she had a real funkhole going on.
by Jack N. Meough July 31, 2009
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"where is the stinkass coming from?"
by Jack N. Meough July 31, 2009
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