2 definitions by J_Dup

(adj., derogatory of cunts and sluts and bitchhoes)

1. Often describing a woman who smells or is seen in a particularly dirty light, lending to the idea that her vagina is dirty, or she is "cunty."

2. Describing people who act like jerks or are disagreeable for no apparent reason.
1. "I had to go out with Ellen last night. That goddamn chick is so cunty my whole car smelled. And her fuckin' attitude, man."

2. "My boss is getting all cunty again. No bonus this year!"
by J_Dup August 23, 2006
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(n., insult, slur)

A derogatory term used to liken your distaste for someone to be in the same ilk as anyone's natural distastefor something so severe as a dirty rag used to clean a woman's dirty vagina.
"Fuck you, you goddamn dirty cuntrag. I'm going to kill your family and rape your sister till she bleeds."
by J_Dup August 23, 2006
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