2 definitions by JTC_LINK

This is a term used by Dahoodians. When a Dahoodian says this, they are telling you to start a poll in the Dahood discord server of your region. This poll is used to determine who is more "known" which is basically who is more popular and known throughout their region.
Dahoodian 1: Yo unknown kid shutup.
Dahoodian 2: Run my polls then.
by JTC_LINK April 11, 2023
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When gaming you will commonly run into exploiters: (hackers cheaters) and they ruin the game. But there is a group of hackers and cheaters that make the game fun. These exploiters will use cheats to add more content or use funny mods. There are also exploiters who will rival other exploiters. These people are the best types of people as if someone is cheating in your game, they will target that cheater and make the experience for that cheater unenjoyable. You can often find these exploiters in older games like Cod2 where they mod games and make xp lobbies and Trickshot lobbies.
Example 1:
Player 1: There's a cheater in here we should leave.
Player 2: There's another one and He's killing the cheater LETS GO WE GOT ONE OF THE GOOD EXPLOITERS!!

Example two:
Player 1: There's a guy flying around we should leave.
Player 2: He's not killing anyone I think we're fine.
Player 1: Wtf he just spawned a cow.
by JTC_LINK April 12, 2023
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