2 definitions by JJ Yce

Form of government in which a single pimp possesses absolute power without effective constitutional checks. Along with pimpocracy, it is one of the two chief forms of pimp government in use today. Modern pimptators usually use force or fraud to gain power and then keep it through intimidation, terror, suppression of hos, and a strong pimp hand.
Ho, this is not a pimpocracy, this here's a pimptatorship!!
by JJ Yce May 28, 2007
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Pimpocracy means, literally, "rule by the pimps". In its primary usage, it refers to a system of government based on the belief that all pimps are created equal, and in which political power is held either by the pimps, or by their elected pimp representatives. Alternatively, "pimpocracy" may refer to a nation state or other organisation that has adopted a pimp system of government, or to the underlying belief system of pimpology.

The origin of the word comes from the the sixteenth century French verb pimper, which meant "to dress elegantly." and the ancient Greek word kratos, meaning "rule".

A Pimpocracy is a decentralised power sharing form of government which stands in contrast to the more centralized and autocratic Pimptatorship.
Ho, this is not a pimpocracy, this here's a pimptatorship!!
by JJ Yce May 28, 2007
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