2 definitions by JAMES COLLIN OHARA

Take a bitch into a Porta Shitter and rail her from behind. Start very quietly say "oh yeah Smurfette" Progressively get louder until the unsuspecting bitch asks you "who is Smurfette" Promptly dunk her head into the blue water and say " YOU'RE SMURFETTE BITCH!!! " You can also use Cunt if you prefer.
Hey Jarett ! I just gave your mom the Smurfette!
by JAMES COLLIN OHARA June 19, 2010
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First shove a baseball bat into the ass of an unsuspecting bitch. While this bitch has the surprised look on her face and a wide gaping mouth, shit into her face hole. THEN... rip the bat out of her corn-hole and violently knock her teeth out with the force of Barry Bonds on steroids. Finally, once her teeth are on the ground, pick through the shitty carnage and collect teeth like candy. Bring the kids for good clean family fun.
Hey kids!, Watch mommy as daddy gives her a Peruvian Pinata
by JAMES COLLIN OHARA June 19, 2010
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